IPPOG Flagship Activities Coordinators
Global Cosmics Coordination

Kazuo Tanaka : CEO, Accel Kitchen LLC /Associate Professor,
Faculty of Science and Engineering at Waseda University
mail: tanaka@kaduo.jp
Kazuo Tanaka
Kazuo Tanaka is a particle physicist who specializes in experiments using accelerators. His past work includes experiments with antihydrogen at CERN's The Antiproton Decelerator in Switzerland and muon experiments at J-PARC in Japan. Currently, he is also involved in applying radiation detection technologies in medical applications and implementing them in astronomical observation satellites.
Additionally, he has a keen interest in outreach activities related to the field of particle physics. He has been providing beam time for high school students at the large cyclotron accelerator at CYRIC in Japan since 2018.
In 2020, he launched the "Accel Kitchen," distributing particle detectors to over 200 high school students who, supported by more than 20 university student mentors, conducted investigations on cosmic rays and environmental radiation from their homes. Starting in 2024, he took over as the coordinator of Global Cosmics from Carolin Gnebner, working to create a globally accessible environment for student's cosmic ray research activities.
If you are interested in cosmic-ray outreach, please do not hesitate to contact us.